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Showing posts from October, 2010

"La Scala" Jewelry Set

I truly love the movement in art known as "Art Nouveau." I have new photos of me posing in a necklace set I designed for myself called "La Scala." It includes the colors of green, purple, brass and gold. I have a lot of wonderful changes happening in my life right now after years of pain and suffering. My jewelry represents the pursuit of "beauty." I have broken through to something magical recently. I have a chance now to return to what my life was really about before I was sapped of my creativity by the evil demons of the "narrow minded." I am literally being "re-born" in art and culture and cinema...and a sense of euphoria has overtaken me! Free from the chains that bound my tender and passionate soul I will fly to a different place that is nourishing of the esoteric, the mystical and...the "memorable." With open arms, I embrace the future.