Samir Al-Tawil, "The Tee Set," and "Linda-Linda": Aziza Al-Tawil on Dutch TV

It was thrilling and exciting for me and my late mother Johanna to give the firsthand account of the "back story" behind the "cult classic" song "Linda-Linda" which is credited to my father, musician, singer, actor and composer, Samir Al-Tawil. The twists and turns in the back story of this song are so outrageous though that it's almost impossible to spell it all out, but I believe we succeeded and the account in "Delftse Toeren 2" by Jimmy Tigges should indeed be an eye opener to any around the world who loved the song but wondered and fantasized about the identity of the fabled "Linda." When I was growing up, I was a "star" in my own right. I was simply "Aziza" the only child performer in the professional NYC bellydance scene and, after my mother's friend, a Greek American belly dancer, decided in the late 60's not to go by a dance name of "Aziza," I was the only "Aziza...