Numerology: Not Sure What I Think

Well, they say "Pythagoras" invented modern day "Numerology" even though there were earlier versions like from the "Chaldeans" of "Mesopotamia." I've always hated math so, to tell the truth, I've never been drawn to this "philosophy." (I realize math is used in "Astrology," something I relate to a lot better "philosophically," but "Numerology" just never pushed any of my buttons, so to speak.) For me "Numerology" is just not "romantic." I feel the pull of the planets, we celebrate on earth their obvious effect on humans, plants, animals and it's easier to conceive having some input based on that "timing." After all, the tide rolls in at a certain time, even the authors of the "Farmer's Almanac" know the Astrological bearing on plant life. As for me, I might just have to learn more about "Numerology" to really apprecia...