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Showing posts from January, 2016


I don't know how many times I've been asked "Why do your zil have such a beautiful tone?" The partial answer is: "They have only one hole in the center of each. I use 14 inche flat elastic in them that I painstakingly poke through the one hole." This is an explanation for why my zil don't sound dull, clacky, or flat. Two hole zil came into popularity just to make things easier on the dancer. Too bad it didn't make for "easy on the ear." The best pair I ever had were from Turkey. I've been playing them forever! Bundle of Finger Cymbals, Cast, Engraved, 4.5cm And 2 Plastic Egg Shakers - Light Blue Logo

Stop Smoking Through Hypnosis!

Smoking is such a horrendous habit, the cause of so many deaths and the miserable illnesses that lead up to it. Not to mention it makes your clothes stink and your fingers and teeth yellow. Plus "second hand smoke" makes other people sick. It's not worth it. After being dismayed that a friend and her husband seem to be still addicted to this habit I decided to look at some serious products for serious results. I've found some high rated products that just might do the trick for you or someone you care about. Check out the products and give one a whirl! Good luck!