(These are the exact paper dolls I still have in my collection)

The big news of "today" is that Amy Winehouse has passed away-most likely from the physical strain of addictions. One of the big "drug overdose" stories from "yesterday" was that of my beautiful and talented cousin Anissa Jones. She was my cousin through my father Samir Al-Tawil. His Uncle was her Grandfather in Charleston, WV. Last year, I reminisced with some school friends in Charleston who remembered some of her family that lived there.

I never met Anissa as she was in California when I was a child in the 70's but I was such a fan of hers in re-runs of "Family Affair" that I felt I knew her. I had the "Buffy" paper dolls that featured her and the wonderful bespectacled "dolly" in the blue dress. Indeed, many of my school friends and I reminisced as much about "Mrs. Beasley" as we did Anissa and her co-stars Johnny Whitaker, Kathy Garver, Brian Keith and Sebastian Cabot.

There was a discussion tonight on Joy Behar about Amy Winehouse. One of the commentators was saying he felt that doing drugs added to the "vulnerability" that made her a better singer. I didn't agree with that characterization of the situation because some people are sensitive, and indeed, "vulnerable"-but not necessarily through the aid of chemical substances. 

I'm a singer, a dancer, and an actress who has always been known for depth, sensitivity, and creativity-that's what I'm told anyway-but I've never even smoked marijuana. I can remember going dancing in the 1980's, having a great time, and really burning up the floor with the gang from work "after hours." Some, not all, passed around a drug they called "poppers." I remember not partaking of it-I was so busy dancing-and doing so with handsome young men who were more interested in the "drug" of "romance."

I drink wine but have never had a stomach for the abuse of it. I feel fortunate also that the "Greektown" scene of my childhood and growing into maturity years was not a "drug scene." Again, it was the passionate music and dance that stirred the senses and emotions. I was never bored-I've known great heartache in my life though. Still somehow I've gotten through it on my own and sometimes, when lucky, a sympathetic shoulder to cry on.

I've thought about Anissa on and off through the years but around last October of 2010 I became overcome with grief thinking about her "out of the blue." This "grieving period" went on for a couple of months until about January. I read up again on her life. I don't really know why. My late half sister Renee' and I had talked about her  a few times before her own death in 2008 in a car crash. This particular time I thought of Anissa in October 2010, my psychic intuition seemed to be in some sort of hyper overdrive. I may never know why, or one day perhaps the reason will be revealed to me! That is usually how it goes with my intuition. (Actually, I have heard recently that another sister of mine in Los Angeles is very sick. I'm not sure when they came down with their ailment though).

In memory of Anissa Jones I'm sharing a wonderful video tribute from "YouTube" and I'm sending out love to anyone who is struggling to cleanse their body and mind of these terrible addictions. You have my best wishes and my heart in your quest.

Anissa Jones Video Tribute:

Anissa Jones Tribute Page:


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