Coconut: Not Just Great for Hula Bras & Tourist Trap Monkey Tsotchkes

When my Mom was a little girl, another little girl told her she had "monkeys" at her house. She told my mother to come over to see them. My mother said, "You're kidding me! You couldn't have real monkeys at your house." The little girl told her emphatically, "Yes! I do! They are real monkeys-not fake. Come to my house!" So my mother went to her house and the monkeys were "coconut monkeys." My mother and I were in an antique store one time, just a few years before she passed away, and I spotted some of these souvenir "Coconut Monkeys." I pointed them out to my mother and she told me her kooky story. I now regularly use coconut oil for cooking, (my kitchen cabinet contains coconut oil, peanut oil, and olive oil), and raw apple cider vinegar. So it kind of comes as no shock to me that an "e book" called "The Coconut Oil Secret" is a top seller. For a very low price you receive that and two other ...