Sleep Study and Weight Loss

Well, I may have some sleep issues so that may be why I gained some weight. I have been cleared to do a home sleep study at the end of the month. "Sleep Apnea," though it is often caused by being overweight, can also be the "cause" of unexplained weight gain. Therefore in some ways, as I told the doctor, it's a bit of a "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" My guess is that it's a little of both. I had gained a little bit of weight several years ago but I had a chaise lounge type bed that elevated my upper body a bit when I slept and also slept some nights in a recliner. I noticed that I at least did not gain more weight until I had switched to a completely flat bed for sleeping. This may be a coincidence but it could have given me "Sleep Apnea" that further cut off air, thereby slowing my metabolism. I do know that I want something to be done soon as my normal weight all my life was usually not over 135 pounds.

I've read some interesting things recently from "Doctor Oz" about certain veggies that are helpful. One thing I read was that "Parsnips" and "Beets" are helpful for belly fat.

I am also going to order "Venus Factor Extreme" info and plan that comes from a young guy who's sister was overweight leading him to study "Female" weight problems in particular. I did watch the video and already see a lot of wisdom in his sales pitch. (I understand what he is saying about the "Leptin" hormone and women having more of it but not always being receptive to it, and I also get totally him saying that cooking in a "Cast Iron Skillet" can help a woman be more sensitive to and benefit from the "Leptin" in her body-I always knew cooked food was better in a cast iron skillet and lament that I had to get rid of mine before moving a long distance 4 years ago!).

He also mentions long torture on treadmills does more harm than good for women. As a belly dancer, light cardio in "spurts" and the kind of stretching we do has always been more beneficial to me through the years. My mother was never overweight. He seems to have some great bending and stretching exercises with light weights involved to tone the real problem areas of say "cellulite," etc. I believe I will give his program and info a try-it also has a digital program that tell you what to eat at certain times a day that increases your sensitivity to "Leptin." The whole program right now is at $33 which is not bad at all-so unless it goes up that seems very reasonable for all that is included-even video training sessions.

So, anyway, we'll see what the "sleep study" tells me and I will definitely finally go get another cast iron skillet. I think I will also see what more this guy has to share in his program "Venus Factor Extreme."

I already had a delightful meal last night that included a sliced parsnip.

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