Quaranterror Theater E01: The Last Hand Sanitizer on Earth

Hi Everyone! A lot has been happening since I last posted. The film I was in "The Grave Caller"(2018) came out on "TubiTV" (It's also known as simply "Grave Caller" not sure why the distributor initially dropped the "The.") While I've been happy the film is doing well it's been very sad to see and experience the events in the world as of late. The "Covid 19" pandemic has been very sad and of course, very dangerous! While in "Quarantine," "Shelter in Place," or whatever you might want to call going out for food about once every ten days or so and hunkering down at home the rest of the time, I decided to use this time to be "creative." So Billy Jack Watkins and I decided to do what we do best and that is "Act!" We love acting and enjoyed making our other short films/series "Hallowed Eve Escape" Parts 1 and 2 and a Part 3 "Preview" and our other series which was "satire" in the vein of "Hammer meets Monty Python," "Dark Gathering" and Dark Gathering 2 and 3." So it was really a "No Brainer" to decide to try to bring some humor and light to the masses during this dark time. We were fans of Boris Karloff's "Thriller" TV show as well as "Alfred Hitchcock," etc so I said, "How about we do a Quaranterror Theater for people on lockdown? And we inject the proceedings with some current events humor?" I told Billy Jack he could be the host "Koris Barloff" and so "The Last Hand Sanitizer on Earth" which is Episode One of "Quaranterror Theater" was born! If you enjoyed it please help future productions by donating (even the price of a cup of coffee is appreciated) at PayPal address: freeazizanow@aol.com Thank you so much! Stay safe everyone!


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